Tuesday, May 12, 2020

What Is A Faith Based Business? Look No Further Than Mike Lindell!

Mike Lindell is a testament to American ingenuity and the perfect example of success even after much adversity. He is also a prime example of christian entrepreneurship and faith  based wealth building.

Mike Lindell’s early years were years of small business pursuit.

Like many entrepreneurs Lindell began early in life. He ventured into carpet cleaning, lunch wagons and operated some bars and restaurants. He knew early in life that you can’t get rich working for someone else and he was not afraid of risk or failure. There is no doubt that the accumulated wins and losses in his early pursuits led to his stunning success today.

Drug addiction nearly derailed his life.

Lindell candidly admits that during the 80’s and 90’s he became heavily involved in the drug scene with his primary choice being crack cocaine. He gives the details of those struggles in his blockbuster book, “What Are The Odds: From Crack Addict To CEO”. It is always an inspiration to hear that people can come back from the throes of addiction to become a CEO of a highly successful business. 

By now you are probably very familiar with the MyPillow.com ads on television. Mike is selling millions of these pillows. He has expanded his business to include mattress covers, sheets, pillow cases and even pet beds!

Lindell credits his victory over drugs to prayer and a relationship with God.

In 2009 Mike turned the corner on his addictions through prayer. He is very vocal about his faith in Christ and gives Him the credit for his current success. Just how successful has he become in his business pursuits? Some estimates of his net worth are as high as 300 million dollars. By any measure he has attained stunning success in a very competitive market and he has done it while keeping his production here in the U.S. and primarily in Minnesota.

This is what a faith based business looks like.

What does faith based business look like? Well it starts with the leadership openly identifying with the Lord Jesus. Faith based businesses find areas of ministry to support financially. Lindell has put a significant amount of money into Christian films. The recent pro-life film “Unplanned” was supported by Mike to the tune of one million dollars. Faith based businesses are lights in a dark world and we salute Mike Lindell and his sleep products company for their success and support for conservative Christian causes. Want to know the God of Mike Lindell? CLICK HERE

Thursday, March 26, 2020

How To Prepare For A Pandemic - Believe On Jesus For Eternal Life!

We have witnessed a worldwide panic caused by the latest Covid19 pandemic. The reason that there is such anxiety is because the corona-virus does indeed have the capacity to be fatal. The Scriptures tell us that mankind is dominated all of their lifetime by the fear of death. The antidote to the fear of dying is to have the certainty of eternal life by believing in Jesus for it!
In these two short videos Dr. Bob Wilkin illustrates the simplicity of gaining eternal life through Jesus Christ. This is the only true preparation for a pandemic or any other life threatening event.