Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Most Misused Scriptures In The Bible - Matthew 7:22-24!

Lordship Salvation teachers love to quote Matthew 7:22-24 as they piously point their wretched fingers at free grace teachers like myself. Here is the passage if you are a little foggy about their content...

Matthew 7:22-24King James Version (KJV)
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
Lordship salvation advocates love to say that they believe that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. Doesn't everybody claim that today? Sure, but few really believe that it is "faith alone" or "faith plus nothing". Typically these Lordship false teachers either front load or back load the gospel message.
They front load the gospel when they tell you that you can gain eternal life by believing on Christ plus turning from sin, repenting, being sorry for you sin, being willing to turn from your sin etc., etc. Beware of anyone who tells you that you can be saved by believing "plus" anything else!
They back load the gospel when they say that truly born again people will demonstrate a certain level of good works or a certain approved lifestyle and usually they are the judge of what is "approved".
Front loading or back loading the gospel is a practice that is unique to the Lordship salvation false teachers that litter the Christian landscape of our churches today. It is heretical to add anything to a simple child like faith in Christ as Savior. 
These false teachers who think that my view (the Biblical view) is too simplistic love to take us to Matthew 7 and use these verses to prove their point. The trouble is these words of Christ condemn the Lordship teachers not the free grace believer. 
Notice that Jesus said that at the judgement there will be "many" that will recite their spiritual resume to Him in hopes of impressing Him with their so called Holy lifestyle. They cast out demons, they taught, they preached and they did many wonderful works. 
Notice three truths about this passage. 
First, Jesus doesn't refute their claim to having accomplished all these wonderful works. These people aren't going to be guilty of not doing good works. The problem for them is going to be that good works aren't what avails us to God! They called their work "wonderful" and Jesus didn't argue with them.
Second, Jesus didn't say this would be an isolated case here or there, He said that many on judgment day will parade their spiritual resume before Him. Take a look at the Christian booksellers list and you will find book after book by authors who think that simple saving faith by itself will not be good enough to gain entrance to Heaven. Read any church statement of faith and I would venture to say that any comments that they make about salvation will include something about turning from sin, doing good works or some other addition to faith alone. There are many today on this pathway to Hell.
Third, Jesus said that He will reject all spiritual resumes on the day of judgment. He will reject all people who come before Him trying to convince Him of their worthiness by calling attention to their own behavior. Depart from me...the saddest words in the Bible!
I love the way that Burleson Bible Church in Burleson, Texas, define the condition of salvation...
The Condition for Salvation. We believe that all human beings are sinners, and as such are separated from God and in need of salvation (Rom. 3:23; 5:12). We believe that salvation is a free gift of God’s grace provided for all in the saving work of Jesus Christ (John 3:16; 1 John 2:2), and that any who simply and only believe in His saving work, not in their own good works, effort, or merit, will receive the gift of eternal life (Rom. 4:5; Eph. 2:8-9).
Have you simply and "only" believed in Christ's saving work? You see that is the only way that you will impress Jesus on that glorious day. You won't need to remind Jesus of any works that you have done. He will know you because you took Him at His word and simply and only trusted Him as your Savior!
It's interesting that the NET translation of the passage calls these castaways "lawbreakers". These Lordship Salvationists who say that simple faith must be accompanied by total commitment, total surrender and turning from sin, seem to miss some logical implications of their demands. What exactly is total commitment? What does total surrender look like? How many sins should I turn from? 
The fallacy of these unscriptural demands is that God requires one of two things to gain forgiveness of sin. He demands total perfection. If you fail to totally surrender to Him at any point in your life then you weren't totally surrendered were you? If you fail to put away one single solitary sin than you are a "lawbreaker". Since no one can meet these standards we need a second option...that option is to simply and only trust in Christ as your Savior. He was the only one in history who ever was totally committed, totally surrendered and turned from every sin!
Simply and only trust Christ and His saving work today. It is the only way that Matthew 7 will be a happy moment for you!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Does The Bible Talk About Zombies? Yes It Does!

There are just a few television shows that I regularly watch. I am partial to comedy so I have a short list of shows that I watch that make me laugh and take my mind off the sad condition of this world.

I have simply been amazed at the number of folks who don't miss an episode of The Walking Dead. Our world has an unhealthy appetite for the subject of zombies and death in general.

Does the Bible talk about zombies? The answer to this question may shock you because there is a seed of truth behind the current craze about the "walking dead".

Listen to Pastor Robert Breaker give an excellent presentation that answers this question very clearly.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

When The Son Of Man Returns Will He Find Faith On The Earth?

Luke 18:7-9King James Version (KJV)

And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:
In my last post I answered the question as to whether a person can go to Heaven simply by believing in Jesus? The answer is "YES"!
In the passage that I noted above Jesus told his disciples that at the end of the age this simple kind of faith or belief will be hard to find. Certainly we are seeing the fulfillment of this prediction. 
Instead of multitudes of people who simply believe in Jesus we have multitudes who have re-worked the definition of faith to mean some combination of faith and works in order for them to enter Heaven. 
Notice in verse 9 that Jesus condemned those who "trusted in themselves that they were righteous". The fact that 99 out of a 100 churches today preach some Lordship Salvation mixture of faith and works proves that most people find righteousness in themselves. In other words, they feel that their Christian works will somehow play a part in their justification. They will be sorely disappointed at the judgement.
Men, women, boys and girls are all declared totally righteous when in simple faith they believe in Jesus. The following video is a wonderful definition of saving faith by Dr. Bob Wilkin. Believe on Christ today!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Can I Go To Heaven Simply By Believing?

In Another Gospel (Documentary), ProclaimHisWord, gives ironclad Biblical evidence that simply believing in Jesus Christ and His death, burial and resurrection is the only demand that God places on any of us in order for us to go to Heaven.

If you have been reading or listening to works produced by heretical teachers like John MacArthur, Paul Washer, Francis Chan, David Platt, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, Tim Conway, Ray Comfort, Todd Friel or a host of others then you probably are not sure you are going to Heaven or you believe that no one could possibly "know" for sure.

These men and many others are robbing God's people of the key to Heaven and happiness on this earth. If you care about your eternal destiny than take 43 minutes to listen to this mind blowing teaching. If you know of someone who needs to hear the good news please share this post.

The gospel is not good advice it is Good News! This video very cleary presents the good news!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Excellent Whiteboard Presentation - The End Is Near!

In the following video Evangelist Robert Breaker gives a whiteboard presentation on the numerous events that are converging on this month of September!

This amazing video provides a warning to non-believers that their chance to be saved is fleeing away. To the believer in Christ Bro. Breaker gives an encouragement to finish the race strong for the Lord's return surely draws nigh.

I hope you will watch this video and I trust that it stirs your heart as much as it did mine. If you are not saved I implore you to trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sin and the reception of eternal life!

For more information go to

Friday, July 10, 2015

Pastor Robert Morris Is Wrong - There Is No Catch!

Robert Morris is the pastor of the third largest church in America. Gateway Church is located in Southlake, Texas and boasts an active membership of 36,000 members. Millions of people follow Morris on YouTube and via Gateway's media ministries. But Robert Morris is dead wrong on the doctrine of salvation. Morris teaches a works based version of salvation called "Lordship Salvation".

Listen to the video above and Robert Morris saying from the pulpit  that salvation is a free gift...but there's a commitment.. Morris is guilty of front loading the gospel. He adds a requirement to the truly free offer of salvation and that is the total surrender of our life to God.

It is amazing that 36,000 people could be so duped to fall for a false gospel but it is happening all over the world! When the jailer in the book of Philippians asked Paul what he needed to do to be saved Paul answered by telling him to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul consistently presents belief as the sole response of any sinner who would seek Heaven and forgiveness.

There is nothing we can do that is acceptable to God when it comes to being saved...nothing. Surrender, devotion, good works all come in to play later in the Christian life. Even then, these works cannot be used as a backload to salvation. In other words, even good works in the Christian life are not proof of our salvation.

It is ironic that Pastor Morris in this video references Matthew 7:22-23. These verses actually describe people who think their supposed "total commitment" should get them into Heaven!

My hope and my assurance are based on Christ's salvific work on the cross and His imputed righteousness.
All my works, if they are presented to God for merit, are as filthy rags! Any attempt to "totally surrender" to God as a means to be saved or to demonstrate that I am saved are an affront to a Holy God. If you think that your works are in any way a piece of the salvation puzzle then you are lost and need to be

To my knowledge there has only been one man who was totally committed  to the Father and that was the Lord Jesus Christ!

Paul said that in the last days there would be a great falling away. I believe that falling away is happening in the church and is well underway. It is very difficult to find pastors who present an accurate version of God's way to Heaven. Most pulpits are presenting some form of works enhanced soteriology.

We need to call these teachings what they really are...heresy. Here is a definition of heresy "belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine". Adding works in any shape destroys grace.

No doubt there will be thousands who will continue to defend this man's ministry. However, false teaching is false teaching. Robert Morris "there is no catch"!

Are you uncertain of your eternal destination? Do you need the full and unconditional forgiveness of Almighty God? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved today!.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Are Earthquakes Really Increasing In Number? Are They A Sign Of The Lord's Return?

People tend to shrug off the warnings that Jesus gave concerning His return. Jesus gave specific signs in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 and each gospel account includes earthquakes. Jesus indicated that earthquakes would occur in unusual places and with increasing frequency just prior to His return.
It's time to trust Christ as Savior!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Our Economy Is Proof That This World Is Passing Away!

The following video is a commentary on a recent blog post on a popular economic collapse blog. The blog creator believes two measurements - the velocity of money and derivatives- spell an ominous outlook for the months ahead.

This world is passing away according to I John 2:17. While the world may be declining and fading away that doesn't mean that your spiritual future has to do the same. Come to Christ by faith today!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

CERN, Portals, The Apocalypse And Your Destiny!

I don't often use other people's work on this site but once in a while you run into an article or video that you just feel you must share. The video in this post is one of those examples!
I have been highly suspicious of the hadron collider in Switzerland and now I am convinced that it will play a major role in the end times events that must surely lie just around the corner.
Take a look at the video and share any comments or questions you might have. And as I always point out...make sure you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Shooting Of Chinx Drugz - A Reminder Of The Brevity Of Life!

Another life snuffed out senselessly. Lionel Pickens aka "Chinx Drugz" was gunned down in Queens, New York, in the early morning hours of May 17, 2015.

At age 31 there was surely more that could be accomplished with a life then glamorizing drugs, sex and violence. Where are the great black preachers of America calling for young men to trust Jesus as Savior and deny the rap culture?

Monday, March 16, 2015

What Did Bob Marley Believe In - Did He Become A Christian At The End Of His Life?

Bob Marley was the greatest Reggae musician in the history of that musical genre. His album "Exodus" was voted the best album of the century. His album "Legend" contains the 10 top selling songs of this musical genius' career.
He was a practitioner of Rastafari  for most of his adult life but his exposure to Christianity in his final weeks of life have caused many to ask what did Bob Marley really believe in?
Marley was born February 6, 1945 and died of cancer on May 11, 1981. He was exposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ in his last days at the hospital by a Christian nurse. According to some of his closest friends Marley believed on Christ as his Savior and his final words in this world were "Jesus take me!".
The following video is an excellent source of information concerning Bob Marley's conversion

Marley's story reminds me of the account of the thief on the cross who came to faith in Christ on the very day that he died. It is never too late to believe on Jesus as Savior. The only requirement is that you must still be alive!
Bob Marley and the Wailers sang many songs about the Rastfarian life and many of their lyrics derided the Christian faith. It is always encouraging to hear that even enemies of the cross can be forgiven and gain eternal life if they will simply place their faith in Christ.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Difference Between Religion And Christ!

I have a dear friend who is currently incarcerated in the state of Missouri at the Crossroads Correctional Center. He is serving a long sentence for a crime that is serious in nature and he will not become eligible for parole for several more years. But I believe my friend has a solid grasp of the difference between religion and Christ.
In a recent letter he shared that he was excited about an opportunity to teach in one of the prison church groups and that he selected this very topic for the occasion. Here is an excerpt from his letter to me...
Yesterday, I got to teach in church about the difference between religion and Christ. The difference is that religion is something to do to get closer to God, and Christ is someone who did something to make us right with God. Religion has no assurance that we are "good enough" before God, but Christ has assured us through His sacrifice for our sins that we are righteous before God.
My friend has quite accurately captured the difference between religion and grace. In the eyes of the world he is condemned because of his crime. But the truth of the matter is that this man is more free and more righteous than 90% percent of the people outside of those prison walls. 
By simple faith in the Savior my friend enjoys the righteousness of Christ and the assurance of forgiveness of sins and eternal life. No prison bars or walls can destroy this reality! He is free because Christ has set him free.
Many people in our churches today don't have this clear understanding of religion versus grace.
I have been reading a wonderful book entitled One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace For An Exhausted World by Tullian Tchividjian. Here is one of the many startling comments that Tchividjian makes early in his book...
"Grace is unconditional acceptance given to an undeserving person by an unobligated giver"
My friend at Crossroad Correctional Center has come to the point in his life where he knows that he is unconditionally accepted even though he is undeserving. He also knows that God was under no obligation to extend His grace to any of us. Romans 5:8 puts  it like this ".But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
Friend, are you persuaded that because of Christ's redemptive work on the cross that you are now "accepted" by God? If not, I urge you to simply trust in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus to be a sufficient payment for your sins. Quit relying on whatever it is that you are currently doing in a vain attempt to be right with God. Jesus has already done it all and simply calls you to believe in His finished work!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Mass Animal Deaths Are Now Being Investigated By CBS And Major Universities!

Mass animal deaths are no longer the subject of youtubers and bloggers but now CBS is investigating the stark reality of these end time events. Are you ready for even more bizarre events in the future? Trust Jesus Christ as your Savior while there is still time.