Monday, October 22, 2012

Oldest Auschwitz Survivor Dies - Antoni Dobrowolski We Salute You!

Antoni Dobrowolski
I just wanted to take this opportunity to salute the life of Antoni Dobrowolski. Antoni died this week at the age of 108. Dobrowolski was a school teacher in Poland when the Nazi occupation of his country occurred. The Nazi's forbid public education for Poland's children so Antoni ran secret classes. He was discovered by the Gestapo and imprisoned at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Dobrowolski was later transferred to Gross Rosen and Sachsenhausen in Germany. He miraculously survived three years and was released to his freedom by Soviet and Polish forces in 1945. Antoni Dobrowolski, I salute you!
It is sad that with the passing of time we scarcely mention the atrocities that occurred at the hand of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis. We have conveniently filed away the fact that six million Jews were executed and a million of those occurred at Auschwitz. Most people are of the opinion that all men are basically good but the Bible gives us some wisdom that helps us understand what happened in Poland. The Bible tells us that there are none that doeth good, no not one (Romans 3:12). There are none  righteousness, not one! (Romans 3:10). The prophet Jeremiah said that men's hearts are desperately wicked and who can know the human heart?
It's not hard to understand why the holocaust happened it's hard to understand why it hasn't happened more often. But if we look at history we see that similar atrocities have happened over and over again. The future will see even more outrageous violence and bloodshed as the new world order comes to fulfillment.
Dear Reader, maybe it's time you did a little search on the FEMA camps being built all over this country. Maybe it's time you looked at the world through the lense of God's Word. Maybe it's time that you asked yourself tough questions about your readiness to meet God and enter into eternity. Maybe it's time to trust Jesus as Savior!

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