Thursday, May 17, 2012

Who Won Survivor? No One!

Kimberly Spradlin:  Latest Survivor Winner
Last night I did a little cyber surfing on over to a site called  This site tabulates the search results for all major search engines and gives a read out on the top 50 most searched terms for the day. I know, I need to get a life! I was amazed to see that on May 16th the word "survivor" was found in 8 of the top 50 searches. Of course, the word survivor is a reference to the TV reality show Survivor, in fact, "who won survivor" was one of the top searches. Here is the list ..survivor one world cast, survivor, survivor winner, survivor application, survivor 25, survivor full episodes, who won survivor and survivor fan favorites.
I found it truly amazing that 8 of the top 50 searches on the internet had to do with a TV show! Survivor has been airing in the United States since February of 2004. On any given night there are 20 to 30 million people viewing! You already know that I believe we are living in the last days so I found it even more interesting that the latest episode was Survivor:  One World! CBS really had a great idea when they came up with this idea and no doubt they have made a lot of money with it as well.
But I began to think about this phenomenon from a spiritual perspective and I wanted to share my thoughts about the word survivor. As a people we must be very curious about this concept. But how many people are concerned about their own spiritual survival? It seems to me that more people devote time to watching a meaningless TV show then they do to secure their own eternal survival.
From a Biblical point of view I could ask the question "Who won survivor?" the answer is no one!

1 Corinthians 15:21-23

King James Version (KJV)
21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.

 The Apostle Paul wrote these words under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and they are profound. In Adam all die. Every one who comes into this world is born "in Adam". That means you inherited the curse and penalty of Adam's sin in the garden. You inherited Adam's inclination to sin. Because of our catastrophic link to Adam we are doomed to die physically and spiritually, there are no survivors..."all die".
But this same passage of Scripture mentions another important person, Jesus Christ. The same passage says that all who are in Christ shall be made alive! That is great news to a bunch of people who are doomed. We can become a survivor by being in Christ. But what does "in Christ" mean? It simply means that all of those who have placed their faith in Jesus are no longer identified with Adam and death but are now related to Christ and have inherited eternal life! I became a believer in Jesus Christ as my Savior at the young age of 11. At that moment I became a survivor! I will one day leave this existence and enter into the place that He has prepared for me (see John 14:1-6). 
The question is which "man" do you identify with...Adam or Christ? Who are you in? You can settle the survivor question right now, trust Christ as your Savior and Redeemer! Watch the short vid in the right sidebar.
This video was performed by my good friend Mitch Langley. Mitch is the worship pastor at Northland Christian Church, Topeka, Kansas. Read more about his ministry at!

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