Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Is Pope Francis I The Last Pope?

If you have been reading my blog then you are well aware that I believe we are living in the last of the last days. Bible prophecy is being fulfilled at lightning speed. Many of you are aware of the prophecy of the popes that St. Malachy received in a vision many centuries ago. His prophecy involved minute details about the last 112 popes. He predicted that the last pope would be of Italian descent and would be a fierce defender of the per-eminence of the Catholic church. Malachy also predicted that the 112th pope (Pope Francis I) would rule over the church in the 7 year tribulation! As I listened to the announcement of the selection of Pope Francis, from Argentina, I began to dismiss St. Malachy's prophecy. Later in the day I read the news that indeed Pope Francis I was born of Italian parents!
The Bible gives us a myriad of fulfilled signs that point to the soon return of Jesus Christ. St. Malachy's prophecy is simply some peripheral confirmation that we are living in exciting days!
Watch the video I made below, it contains some additional information concerning this epic day.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

The 7 Year Tribulation Timeline - Are We There Yet?

There are many folks who believe we have passed into the 7 year tribulation timeline but don't you believe it! While we are on the very brink of the final 7 years there are obvious reasons that prove we are not there yet! Here is a little video I made today on this subject.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mass Animal Deaths Continue Around The World - Wake Up!

Just a quick update on the continuing mass animal deaths around the world. These events are occurring every couple of days now. You can do some easy investigation online and see for yourself. The problem is that most Christians don't want to be bothered by the facts and are unwilling to admit the nearness of the Lord's return. It seems odd to me that people who profess to know Christ as Savior are not eager to see Him face to face. Christian, wake up. Non-Christian, take an honest look at what is going on in the world and re-examine the claims of Christ. Time is short, believe on the Lord Jesus.