Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Is The Legalization Of Weed In The United States A Sign Of The End Times?

First it was Washington then Colorado, the next states to legalize pot will probably be California then New York. Uruguay became the first country on Earth to legalize the trafficking of marijuana. So it is a legitimate question, "Is the legalization of weed in the United States a sign of the end times?".

The short and sweet answer to that question is YES. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIAD) has a great fact page on this dangerous drug. Yeah, I know, I called it dangerous. The NIAD says it's dangerous and that approximately one out of every 10 people who try smoking pot will become addicted. That statistic is nearly identical to alcohol first use and addiction. There I go again, swimming against the common perceptions of our bankrupt culture. I will say it again, weed is addictive and it's dangerous.

Weed directly effects receptors in the brain that have to do with learning and memory. Regular users are less satisfied with life and much more likely to under perform in their jobs and relationships. You can argue all you want but the studies have been ongoing for decades.

If you want the facts on pot and it's destructive effect on human lives then check out this amazing site by clicking here.

Let me get back to the title of this article. Is there a connection between legalization of pot in America and the last days? I feel confident in saying YES. The book of Revelation is the unveiling of Jesus Christ and the signs that will accompany His judgments on this Earth and His literal arrival on the planet. Here is a description of men and their evil behavior in the last days.

Revelation 9:21 King James Version
 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

The word sorceries is a word that  is derived from the Greek - Pharmakia. This word means the misuse and abuse of drugs. If you doubt that meaning then check out the same verse in another translation.

Revelation 9:21 Contemporary English Bible
They didn’t turn away from their murders, their spells and drugs, their sexual immorality, or their stealing.

The Bible wants us to know that in the last days men will be unwilling to "turn away" from drugs. Our culture not only is unwilling to turn away from weed but we are now legalizing and therefore encouraging it's use! 

Of course, there are a myriad of other signs that indicate the Creator of the Universe will soon make His appearance but make no mistake about it, pot legalization is one of them.

So what does this all mean? It means that we need to prepare for the judgment and the life beyond this world. The only way that you can successfully do that is to believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. Watch the short video in the right side bar for an excellent instructional guide on just what that means.

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