Friday, April 5, 2013

What Happens If The North Korea Threats To The United States Materialize?

The world is experiencing what the Bible calls "birth pangs" as bizarre events are occurring more frequently and with more intensity. Do a Google search of the following items and you will soon discover that we are indeed living in the last days..

mass animal deaths
super storms
peace and security rhetoric
rfid chips and the mark of the beast
collapsing global economy
wars and rumors of wars

The latest rumors of war are coming from North Korea and their almost daily threats of nuclear attack on the United States are becoming very unsettling. Here is an article that is appearing right now on the front page of Matt Drudge's news site. Most folks in America are so confident that there is no way that the North Koreans could land a nuke shot to our land that it really alarms me. The old adage that pride goes before a fall does apply here. There are too many of our people who think the behavior of North Korea's leader are entirely unprovoked but I would have to disagree with that position. Watch the following video and gain some insight into our relationship with this country.

What if we experienced a nuclear hit next week? What would be the consequences of such an unthinkable event? No doubt our land would experience a total economic collapse and we would probably see the implementation of martial law as well. The world that you and I live in is very fragile and the dominoes could all fall by the next calamity that rears its ugly head. Jesus said that when the final events begin to occur it would be a "sudden destruction" that catches the masses by surprise. 
Dear Reader, are you ready for end time events? Are you ready for extreme difficulties and possible death? The Bible declares that "today" is the day of salvation. You can know what it means to be forgiven and free by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. I urge you to watch the short video in the right sidebar. Let me know what you think of the times we are living in and let me know if you have believed on Jesus.

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