Sunday, October 20, 2013

When Is The Zombie Apocalypse Coming?

I live in the town of Lawrence, Kansas, and every year they have a zombie walk. Each year the participation gets larger and larger, there were well over 2000 in this years event. It's surprising how much attention this zombie phenomenon has garnered globally in the last few years. Many people are asking "when is the zombie apocalypse coming?".

I believe the zombie infatuation is just the world's way of making fun of the the Biblical stories of the resurrection and the rapture of the church. Notice the language in I Thessalonians 4...

16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be suddenly caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.

Strange events are in our future! Strange events happened at the resurrection of Jesus Christ too. Matthew 27:52 records what happened at the cemetery in Jerusalem when Jesus Christ was raised from the dead.

And tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had died were raised.  

I have found an excellent video that deals with the zombie apocalypse and the Bible. I encourage you to watch it. If you have never placed your faith in Jesus as Savior then I encourage you to watch the short video in the right side bar. Thanks for watching and please share this post!


Friday, October 18, 2013

The World Reserve Currency Crisis And Your Soul

After reading the title of this post you might be wondering what a world reserve currency crisis has to do with your soul. I will try to explain.

We are entering into a period of time when the dollar's status as the world reserve currency is being challenged. China is accelerating a push internationally to replace the dollar as the reserve currency and to replace the dollar with the Chinese yuan. After watching the U.S. go through another dramatic congressional standoff over debt the Chinese and the Japanese now view the American economic system as "unreliable". China fears that their heavy investment in U.S. debt (1.28 trillion dollars) has made their own economic outlook precarious. Consequently, China is buying up tangible assets in the U.S. in case there is a total

The accusation that the U.S. is unreliable is not unfounded. Congress simply continues to kick the debt can down the road. In fact, the fed broke their one day debt record just this past Thursday when they borrowed 328 billion dollars!

All indications are that the world is racing toward financial judgement day and a world wide financial reset. I feel pretty confident in saying that we are headed toward some kind of one world financial system. Of course, the Bible predicted these events over 2000 years ago (read Revelation, chapter 13). What does this mean for your soul? Everything!

If my interpretation ( and many other Bible scholars) is correct we could be on the verge of the judgements found in the Word of God that will lead up to the Second Coming of Christ. At the coming of Christ all men will stand before him for a personal judgement and either punishment or reward.

The only folks who will be able to stand before God are those people who have experienced the forgiveness of sins  received by trusting in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Those who have become convinced that Jesus paid the penalty for their sins will be the happy minority who enter into the blessed life of Heaven. Those who have not believed on Christ will suffer eternal judgement.

So you can see that a failure to see the hand of God in the coming apocalyptic times could be a very grave oversight concerning your eternal destiny. The signs are all around us that something big is coming. Now is the time to believe on Jesus. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

3 Reasons Why Christians Lack Assurance Of Salvation!

One cannot visit with Christians today and not be very aware that many of them lack assurance of their salvation. The question we should be asking is "why"?

If you were to ask most believers "Have you come to the place in your spiritual life where you know for certain you would go to heaven if you died today?" you would get many types of responses. The question is not difficult and neither should the answer be difficult. Yet, for many the answer is not cut and dry.

Many will say that they "hope so". A lot of them will come back with "I don't know". Sadly, some will say " I don't think anyone can know for sure".  Thankfully, a  few will say with resounding clarity "yes". What is the problem? Where has the church gone wrong in producing so few that are certain of their eternal destiny?

Let me offer three reasons why assurance of salvation is such a rare commodity for so many folks.

Reason #1 - There is a failure to recall an exact moment in time when you first believed. So much emphasis is placed on saying a prayer, walking an aisle, raising a hand, turning in a decision card, etc., that if you can't recall a date people will doubt your conversion. However, it is not some external act or ritual that saves it is belief in Christ as Savior and sometimes it is tough to pinpoint the exact moment that this belief occurs. If you can truly say now that you are trusting Christ as your only hope of forgiveness and all that goes with it then you should not stress out over when it happened.

Reason #2 - Doubt as to whether or not you used the right procedure. I didn't walk down an aisle, I didn't make my decision in a church, I didn't say a sinner's prayer, maybe I didn't say the right prayer etc. Doubts like these exist because we have literally added requirements to what the Bible actually says when it comes to salvation. Remember the Philippian jailer? What must I do to be saved? Well Paul didn't get out his Four Spiritual Laws and lead him in a sinner's prayer. He didn't tell the jailer to wait until Sunday and come forward during the invitation at church. No, Paul just asked the jailer to believe on Jesus. The many additions to the gospel have created more doubt traps for sincere believers. When we simply ask folks to respond in faith then we avoid the confusion that comes about because of our gospel "additions".

Reason #3 - Folks lack assurance because of sin that still persists or re-appears in their lives. It's unfortunate that this reason robs so many people of assurance. I would blame two false notions for this unfortunate outcome.

 First, many in the church today teach that once a person is saved they have just one nature (a new creation) that is fully in tune with the will of God all the time. This teaching is patently false. Believer's possess two natures and they are at war with one another. One need only read the seventh chapter of Romans to see how the Apostle Paul struggled with this reality. Christians sin and to deny that they will sin is not Biblical, see I John 1:8. False teachers who use 2 Corinthians 5:17 as their proof text for Christian perfection are taking the verse out of context. This chapter talks about our new position in Christ not a perfected lifestyle. We will not escape the presence of sin in our lives until we die or are raptured!

 Second, is the modern error of Lordship Salvation which basically states that to be a Christian you live in a constant state of having Christ as the Lord of all areas of your life and are repenting of all sin. The trouble with this position is that it too is not found in the Bible. The Christian life is a journey that has it's ups and downs. Christians do fall into sin and sometimes it is a grievous sin and sometimes it lasts a long time. Samson, Lot, David, Peter and a host of other Bible characters can attest to this truth! Lordship Salvation is a lie from the pit of hell that says turning from sin (or being willing to turn from all sin) in addition to faith are requirements to be saved. This teaching is a mix of works and grace. It is a failure to make the Law/Grace distinction and to "rightly divide" the Word of Truth. The only requirement for salvation in the New Testament is belief or faith and it's mentioned nearly 200 times. Turning from sin is a daily battle for a Christian in his quest to be practically sanctified in his walk with the Lord. False teachings that tell you that sin is evidence that you are not saved are part of the Devil's arsenal but are not part of God's truth as contained in his Word.

The only true and objective proof of our salvation and its accompanying "assurance" is found in the Word of God. I John 5:11-13 says...
 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know  
 that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

John 5:24 says...
 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

If you have believed on Jesus as the guarantor of eternal life then you have Jesus and you have eternal life. Take God at His word and stop doubting His promises. Rest in that Blessed Assurance.

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