Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Did The Zimmerman Trial Distract You?

The George Zimmerman trial began on June 24 and ended on July 13. During the course of that trial three teenagers and one five year old boy were gunned down in Chicago. There were no special news interviews with Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. In fact, hardly anyone noticed these tragedies at all! Keep in mind that Chicago is the most gun restrictive city in the United States! What is my point in bringing this up? My point is that the American public is easily distracted. While the Zimmerman trial unfolded not only were children murdered in Chicago but the U.S. economy inched closer to the abyss and the U.S. military crept closer to full tilt war in Syria and Iran. You might think I'm being overly dramatic but consider these facts.
The government released statistics last week that revealed that only 47% of American adults have a full time job. They can doctor their unemployment numbers until the cows come home but you can't make that statistic look anything other that what it is...a disaster. The government also released data that said over 100 million Americans are on some form of food assistance. Did you let that sink in? That is nearly one third of the country! Recovery? Hardly! The U.S. policy in the Middle East continues to back Muslim Brotherhood rebels in Syria and this is not going unnoticed by the Russians. I don't want to drag this post into a political discussion. I just want to illustrate that we have a propensity to take our eye off the ball and fail to notice things that pose an imminent danger to us all.
The same can be said for men, women, boys and girls when it comes to our spiritual lives. We get all caught up in the baseball races, the NFL camps and upcoming college football season and pay no attention to where we stand with our Creator and Heavenly Father. Perhaps sports are not a distraction for you but if you were honest you have other interests that take your mind off of eternal things. We are entrapped in this temporal earthly dimension and fail to realize that we are eternal beings who will spend our future in either Heaven or Hell and the decision we make concerning the one true God, Jesus Christ, will have to be made now in this life.
So where do you stand with Jesus? Have you come to the point in your spiritual life where you can say for certain that if you were to die today you would go to Heaven? Supposed you were to die today and you were to stand before God and He were to ask you "Why should I let you into my Heaven?" what would you tell Him? You see the only answer that works is "I have trusted Jesus as my Savior". Sadly, most people will not be able to answer that question adequately on the great day of judgement! I encourage you to watch the short video in the right sidebar and read some articles on this site. Come to Jesus, do it soon!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Last Words Of The Executed: John William Cockrum

This morning I happened to stumble upon an article detailing the final words of men who were being executed for their crimes. I read a very poignant story about executed convict, John William Cockrum. Cockrum grew up in a violent home. His dad was an alcoholic police officer who routinely physically abused John and his sisters. Consequently, at the age of 9, John Cockrum began what would become a lifelong abuse of drugs. The violence in his home continued unabated until at the age of 17 John Cockrum took a firearm and shot his father during one of his dad's angry tirades. His father would die of his wounds several days later but he would tell police before his death that the shooting was an accident. This information spared young Cockrum from a murder conviction and prison time. Unfortunately, the death of his father did not end the drug use. Mr. Cockrum would continue a life of crime to acquire money for the drugs. In 1979 he was convicted of the burglary of a building, in 1985 he was convicted of attempted burglary and in 1986 he was convicted of marijuana possession. A failure to rein in his criminal behavior led him to a fateful event on May 29, 1986. On this date John would attempt the robbery of a convenience store in Bowie County, Texas. The burglary did not go as planned and John Cockrum fired a 22-caliber bullet into the head of 69 year old store owner Eva May mortally wounding her. Cockrum's accomplice, Jerry Morgan, promptly turned himself in and led police to the pistol used in the crime. He struck a deal for his testimony and the rest would be history for Cockrum.
John Cockrum was convicted and sentenced to die by lethal injection. In 1993 he would forfeit all further legal attempts to forestall his punishment and on September 30, 1997 he was executed by the State of Texas. It is customary to give the guilty man a final word and the following are John Cockrum's final words...

"I would like to apologize to the victim’s family for all of the pain I have caused them. I would like to tell my family I love them and I hope to see them again soon. Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me the strength and the time in my life to find Jesus Christ and to be forgiven for all of my sins. Thank you for the changes in my life you have given me, the love and closeness of my family, and my beautiful daughter. Thank you for using me."

I realize that jailhouse religion is often just that...religion. I realize that many people enter prison and profess to have something they really don't have in reality. But I sense in John Cockrum's statement three things that lead me to believe that a heart change really occurred in his life. First, he indicated remorse for what he had done and the people he had hurt. In other words, there was indication that he had experienced a repentant heart and he had changed his mind about himself and his actions. Second, he expressed the belief that his hope of forgiveness was in Jesus Christ. His statement is reminiscent of the statement made by the penitent thief who hung on a cross next to Jesus. He knew he was rightly condemned but his hope was in a Savior who was dying next to him . Third, Cockrum expressed a desire that his family come to know Christ so that he could one day see them again. The true mark of a born again person is the desire they have for the souls of others. Of the 36 famous last words of dying convicts that were detailed in the story I found John Cockrum's was the only story indicating a true touch from the Savior. None of the other statements relayed sorrow or remorse. None of the other statements mentioned  a trust in Christ, in fact, most of the final words were full of cursing and anger.
Most touching concerning these final words by John Cockrum was the thankfulness that God had given him "time" to come to Jesus. He was thankful for the 10 years in prison that provided one last chance for him to be saved.
Let me ask you a few questions. Do you identify with John Cockrum? Are you thankful that God providentially led you to a trusting belief in His dear Son? Do you recognize that there is really no substantive difference between John Cockrum and your own sinful life? You see, you can't go to Heaven until you recognize your own depravity and sinfulness. Christian, have you thanked God lately for your own conversion? Have you thanked Him for giving you time to come to Jesus? Finally, have you thanked Him for "using" your life and testimony?
I look forward to visiting with John Cockrum one day. I look forward to hearing the glowing words from a grateful heart as to how a Savior rescued his life. And I look forward to sharing with John how Jesus rescued me!

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Harris Poll Findings Reveal That Fewer Americans Are Happy

I'm a big fan of the Drudgereport.com because Matt Drudge is the leading newsman in the world and the king of internet news. He included this story on his site this week. It is a story about the latest Harris Poll findings that describe the "happiness index" in a downward trend. Harris found that only one third of Americans described themselves as "very happy".
So what is the problem? We hear everyday how the great American economy is getting better so why not get happy? The truth is that the American economy is not getting better. This story reveals that the average American's wealth has decreased 55% from the great recession of 2008. Maybe people are unhappy because they are broke, I don't know. Perhaps people are unhappy because we sit on the precipice of WW3. If you don't believe that opinion I encourage you to watch the following video
Personally, I think there is too much emphasis on "happiness" and not enough attention paid to "joy". Happiness is a fleeting buzz of adrenaline that we get when things are going good. It is a circumstance driven emotion. When my boss pats me on the head and I shoot a par round of golf then I might be happy, at least for the rest of the day. If however, the next day everything goes wrong I may become unhappy. Happiness is just not consistent or very sustainable. In fact, in the Bible the word "happy" is found only 28 times and the word "happiness" is never mentioned. In contrast, the word "joy" is found 165 times and "joyful" 25 times  Happiness loses out to joy by a whopping score of 190 to 28.
I think God is far more interested in our joyfulness rather than our happiness. Joy is that inner conviction that no matter what my current situation all will be well because of my relationship to the Creator. Those fortunate folks who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ have an inner conviction that if the economy collapses to nite or WW3 breaks out tomorrow their eternal destination is safe in the Lord. It was joy that bolstered the faith of hymn writer Horatio Spafford. Spafford lost his fortune in the Great Fire of Chicago and all four of his daughters in a ship wreck on the Atlantic. Spafford, like Job, could look at the tragedies of life and still be joyful. A fabulous re-telling of this story can be found here.  Horatio Spafford penned these faith filled words in a boat that was directly over the watery graves of his children.

"It Is Well With My Soul"

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
What ever my lot you have taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul

Though the devil will ruin, though trials may come
Let this blessed assurance control
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate
And He shed His own blood for my soul

It is well, with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul

My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought
My sin not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul

It is well, with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul

It is well with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul

And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight
And the clouds be rolled back as a scroll
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend
Even so, it is well with my soul

It is well with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul

It is well with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul 

Dear Reader, is it well with your soul? Are you trusting Jesus as Saviour? Are you ready for the days ahead? Come to Jesus, He is waiting for you.