Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Can I Go To Heaven Simply By Believing?

In Another Gospel (Documentary), ProclaimHisWord, gives ironclad Biblical evidence that simply believing in Jesus Christ and His death, burial and resurrection is the only demand that God places on any of us in order for us to go to Heaven.

If you have been reading or listening to works produced by heretical teachers like John MacArthur, Paul Washer, Francis Chan, David Platt, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, Tim Conway, Ray Comfort, Todd Friel or a host of others then you probably are not sure you are going to Heaven or you believe that no one could possibly "know" for sure.

These men and many others are robbing God's people of the key to Heaven and happiness on this earth. If you care about your eternal destiny than take 43 minutes to listen to this mind blowing teaching. If you know of someone who needs to hear the good news please share this post.

The gospel is not good advice it is Good News! This video very cleary presents the good news!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Excellent Whiteboard Presentation - The End Is Near!

In the following video Evangelist Robert Breaker gives a whiteboard presentation on the numerous events that are converging on this month of September!

This amazing video provides a warning to non-believers that their chance to be saved is fleeing away. To the believer in Christ Bro. Breaker gives an encouragement to finish the race strong for the Lord's return surely draws nigh.

I hope you will watch this video and I trust that it stirs your heart as much as it did mine. If you are not saved I implore you to trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sin and the reception of eternal life!

For more information go to