Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Michele Bachmann Quotes Concerning The End Times

Michele Bachmann has been one of the most maligned political figures in history as far as I'm concerned. I believe the reason that main stream media despises her is  because she is a believer in Jesus Christ, pro-life, pro-gun and pro-America.

If you were to type in "Michele Bachmann quotes" in a Google search box the first page would describe her quotes in the following way....controversial, worst ever, crazy, idiotic, strange and bizarre.

I believe just the opposite about Michele's quotes and her life. I believe she is an attractive, educated, principled leader who would have made a far better President than the one who currently occupies the oval office.

Her latest quotes concerning the days we are living in also indicate that she is discerning. Discernment is something that is so rare in our culture that it might seem strange and bizarre to the run of the mill pagan.

Here is the statement that Michele made on October 7, 2013 as recorded by The Atlantic Wire...

"[the U.S.'s funding of al Qaeda in Syria] happened and as of today the United States is willingly, knowingly, intentionally sending arms to terrorists, now what this says to me, I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, as I look at the End Times scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree and we are to understand the signs of the times, which is your ministry, we are to understand where we are in God’s end times history. Rather than seeing this as a negative, we need to rejoice, Maranatha Come Lord Jesus, His day is at hand. When we see up is down and right is called wrong, when this is happening, we were told this; these days would be as the days of Noah.” 

That statement is one of conviction and courage. It is of conviction because only a true believer in Christ can make that statement with the expectancy and enthusiasm that Michele displayed. It is courageous because her many critics and haters will jump on this as just another example of "crazy Michele".

Just let me say that I am encouraged that there are some professing Christians in our country who know what time it is and are not afraid to voice their opinion. The milk toast, politically correct churches that fill our land are totally unwilling to rebuke and warn our fallen culture. And the entertainment centers that masquerade as churches sure don't want to upset people with talk of the end times or last days. Most pastors today resemble the fallen shepherds of Jeremiah's world when they tell there parishioners what they want to be told.

May God bless Michele Bachmann's boldness and expand her realm of influence in our sick country!

The song performed in this video is by my good friend, Mitch Langley. He currently serves as the worship pastor at Northland Christian Church in Topeka, Kansas.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Carl Gallups Rebukes The Latest Pope Francis Heresy

Carl Gallups is a Southern Baptist pastor in Florida. He has been cranking out youtube videos that get massive traffic. He is particularly tuned in to the signs of these last days and the heresies of popular teachers. His latest target is the new Pope and justifiably so. Here is a video by Carl, pay attention to what he says especially the last half of the video.

Francis is a universalist. Universalism is an old heresy that basically states that everyone will go to Heaven. According to this view it doesn't matter what God you worship or how much of a hedonist you are you will go to Heaven regardless. Pope Francis takes this false teaching a step further. He says that you don't have to believe in God at all!
It is amazing to me that one fourth of this world claims membership in this apostate organization despite the continued immorality, pedophilia and false teachings that roll out of the Vatican on a conveyor belt. Jesus pretty much summed it up in the third chapter of John when He said that men love darkness rather than light.
For centuries Popes have professed that they are the Vicar of Christ. This term means that the Catholic church believes these men are the actual representative of Christ on Earth. Furthermore they believe that the Pope and his priests have the power to forgive men of their sins. It's heresy, pure and simple.
I prefer to go to the genuine article, the pre-imminent One, the Lord Jesus Christ.

I Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

I have found that I can go right to the throne of Jesus at any time to find help in my time of need. I am thankful that I was raised in a home that was not under the spell of the church of Rome. I am thankful that at an early age I came to faith in Christ as my Savior. I understand that millions of people in this world are trapped by family expectations to stay in this sinful church. We should continue to witness to Catholic friends and loved ones and urge them to come to a simple trust in Jesus and find a church that believes in the Bible as the sole authority for their lives. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Is Bible Prophecy Unfolding Before Our Eyes?

Since the use of nerve agents in Syria the world has begun to spin out of control. Are we seeing Bible prophecy unfolding before our very eyes? It appears that is exactly what is happening.
The main players of the war described in Ezekiel 38 anbd 39 have now entered the stage. The main players of the Psalm 83 war are all on the chess board. The unfulfilled prophecy of Isaiah 17 is about to be fulfilled.
Isaiah 17
King James Version (KJV)
17 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
I was visiting a friend this past week. He normally is not one to listen to my thoughts on the end times. I was amazed that he thought we could be on the verge of a dollar collapse and nuclear war. My father shared with me that he was visiting an old church member this week and this man said that he felt we were coming to the end of time. 
These anecdotal examples are just the tip of a huge iceberg of prophetic truth that is about to explode on our world. The question I have asked all along in these hundred and sixty odd blog posts is the same question I will repeat right now. Are you ready for the days ahead? Do you know that your sins are forgiven and heaven is your home? 
You can be saved right now by trusting in Christ as your personal Savior. Time is running out. Watch the 3 minute video in the right sidebar and believe on Jesus today.
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