I Watched "The Miracle Of Israel" Documentary Instead Of The Final Four And I'm Glad I Did!
More than 300 years ago King Louis XIV, the Sun King, asked Blaise
Pascal, the noted French philosopher, to give him proof of the
supernatural. Pascal answered: “Why, the Jews, your Majesty—the Jews.”
I must confess that I spend a little too much time and energy following major college sports. Since my beloved Jayhawk men's basketball team had been bounced out by Stanford you would think I would be less tempted to watch the games but that is not the case. However, on Saturday, April 5, I decided to watch a documentary entitled "The Miracle Of Israel" instead of the Florida vs UCONN game. I am glad that I did because it was a huge blessing and greatly strengthened my faith in the Word of God and the soon returning Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Blaise Pascal was right when he said that the Jews are proof of the supernatural, in fact, they are proof of the existence and preeminence of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The documentary lasted an hour and focused on just four prophecies of the Bible that already have been or are being fulfilled right before our eyes. The first sign was the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. The Bible clearly foretold of this event. The prophet Ezekiel in chapter 37, verses 21 and 22, explicitly foretold this event along with multiple other verses. The second sign was the re-gathering of Jews from around the world back to their new homeland. Isaiah in the 11th chapter, verses 11 and 12, predicted this would occur and there are lots more verses that do the same. The third sign will be the rebuilding of the third temple on the temple mount in Jerusalem. Second Thessalonians chapter 2, verses 3 and 4 allude to this as does Daniel 9:27. It is interesting that there is an organization in Israel called the Temple Institute that has spent 27 million dollars in preparing items for the temple such as the golden lamp stand and priestly garments. Once the Jews are granted the permission to build it won't take long. I believe the building of the temple is an event that will transpire in the first half of the tribulation.
The fourth sign is the increased anticipation for the coming of Messiah. This is evident in Israel and among Jews worldwide. It is especially evident among Christians who are truly watching for the return of Jesus!
I encourage anyone, believer or non-believer, to go to their site..http://www.themiracleofisrael.com and order the video, it will bless you and inspire you to see Jesus as the hope of the nations and the soon coming King.
Dear Reader, the time is running out for excuses and delay. You need to move quickly now and believe on and trust in the Lord Jesus as your Savior. I encourage you to watch the short video in the right sidebar to help clarify just how simple and blessed this can be.
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