Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Will Trump Move The U.S. Embassy In Israel To Jersusalem?

In 1995 Congress passed a bill, The Jerusalem Embassy Act, which stipulates that America would recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. Sadly, President Bush and President Obama did not abide by the act.
President Donald Trump maybe on the verge of relocating our embassy to the Holy City. 
The Bible declares that God will one day crush all the enemies that come against His city. 
Dr. Michael Brown has written a marvelous article concerning the prophetic implications of this ancient city and the brave resolve of President Elect Donald J. Trump.
You can read this article HERE


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Earth's Animal Population Is Dying - The Bible Predicted This!

Reza Afshar and Chris Bridgen go by the moniker "The Two Preachers" on Youtube. They are chronicling the fulfillment of Bible prophecy through their videos. The content of their videos are disturbing to say the least. Watch the video below and then watch their video which tells you how to prepare for the even worse days ahead!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Is Heaven Really A Free Gift?

In this video, Dr. Bob Wilkin, makes the case that salvation and the gift of eternal life are indeed FREE! This Christmas season would be a wonderful time to secure heaven as a gift. Watch the video and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.