We're are living in the most bizarre times in the history of the world. Unbelievable events are occurring in the natural, spiritual and political realms. The latest news about the U.N.
officials monitoring election sites because of concern over voter fraud here in the U.S. is further evidence that our country has lost it's sovereignty and is well down the path of being a part of the New World Order.
We should have drop kicked the United Nations off of our soil decades ago. Instead, we continue to pump millions of dollars into this socialist organization and let them continue to squat on our property rent free. The U.N. has never done anything to promote lasting peace in the world but they have been very busy over the years in elevating terrorists, socialists and every religion except Christianity. It's hard to believe that the sheeple have reached such a low point as to allow these clowns to monitor election sites here in the good ol'
US of A. But the Bible expressly told us that in the last days people would be operating under an evil delusion and march blindly to the day of judgment.
Thankfully, there are some folks in our more conservative states that are not taking this lying down.
Thank God for Texas! Officials in that state are
threatening to arrest any U.N. official caught "monitoring" in a voting site in the Lone Star! I say good for them and may other states grow some gumption and do the same.
While I wish the U.N. would just decide to relocate to Russia I know that they will play an important part in God's end time plan to judge the world and set up His Son Jesus as the Ruler of the universe. God will simply use these evil doers to accomplish His will as He has done with the wicked all through history. In the meantime, I need to remain patient and confident of the final outcome.
This story is just one more sign that we are heading to a one world government, one world economy and one world religion. The prophecies of the Bible are coming true before our eyes and you must make preparation by running to Christ Jesus for refuge. Believe on Christ today. Trust in what He did on the cross, His burial and His resurrection to be payment for your sins. Quickly, do it now before it's too late.