Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ahmed Jabari Killed By Israeli Strike

The leader of the military wing of Hamas, Ahmed Jabari, was killed by an Israeli military strike today. The strike was thought to be in retaliation for a barrage of Hamas missile launches into Israeli territories over the last several weeks.
The attack on Jabari was part of a larger assault on nearly 20 targets in the Gaza. The world is teetering on the edge of a military meltdown in the middle east. The best advice I can give is to prepare yourself spiritually. Have you trusted Jesus as Saviour? Consider His invitation seriously. Watch the short video in the right sidebar entitle "How To Be Forgiven In 3 Minutes".

Friday, November 9, 2012

CIA Director Compromises Our Security With An Affair And Russian Submarine Prowls Our East Coast

General David Petraeus
Author Paula Broadwell
General David Petraeus resigned his position as director of the CIA because of his admitted marital infidelity. Petraeus admitted to having an affair with Paula Broadwell, author of his biography All In: The Education Of General David Petraeus. I hate to see any man fall into sin and have their lives ruined as a consequence. I particularly hate to see such an important man to the security of our country be in a position where our national security could have been at risk.
Just last week a another unsettling story surfaced concerning a the U.S. Navy's discovery of a Russian nuclear sub lurking 275 miles off the southern east coast of the United States. The tense standoff in the Syrian and Iranian standoffs has made our relations with Russia precarious and I'm not naive enough to believe that the unthinkable could happen to our beloved country.
We are living in the most bizarre time in all of history. Calamity seems to hang in the air and most everyone senses something evil this way comes. Indeed, something evil is coming. We are living in the days leading up to the period of time the Bible calls the Great Tribulation. Two thousand years ago Jesus spoke of this time as being the worst period of events in human history.

Matthew 24:20-22

King James Version (KJV)
20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

The world economy in shambles and hopelessly in debt, the tension in the middle east, escalating earthquakes and natural disasters all point to the end of the age. Now, more than ever, men, women, boys and girls need to look to Jesus who is the great Redeemer, Defender and Fortress in these scary times. Please watch the short video in the right sidebar. Trust Christ as your Savior today.

Is The USA In End Times Prophecy?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

U.N. Officials To Monitor Possible Voter Fraud In The United States - What A Joke!

We're are living in the most bizarre times in the history of the world. Unbelievable events are occurring in the natural, spiritual and political realms. The latest news about the U.N. officials monitoring election sites because of concern over voter fraud here in the U.S. is further evidence that our country has lost it's sovereignty and is well down the path of being a part of the New World Order.
We should have drop kicked the United Nations off of our soil decades ago. Instead, we continue to pump millions of dollars into this socialist organization and let them continue to squat on our property rent free. The U.N. has never done anything to promote lasting peace in the world but they have been very busy over the years in elevating terrorists, socialists and every religion except Christianity. It's hard to believe that the sheeple have reached such a low point as to allow these clowns to monitor election sites here in the good ol'
US of A. But the Bible expressly told us that in the last days people would be operating under an evil delusion and march blindly to the day of judgment.
Thankfully, there are some folks in our more conservative states that are not taking this lying down. Thank God for Texas! Officials in that state are threatening to arrest any U.N. official caught "monitoring" in a voting site in the Lone Star! I say good for them and may other states grow some gumption and do the same.
While I wish the U.N. would just decide to relocate to Russia  I know that they will play an important part in God's end time plan to judge the world and set up His Son Jesus as the Ruler of the universe. God will simply use these evil doers to accomplish His will as He has done with the wicked all through history. In the meantime, I need to remain patient and confident of the final outcome.
This story is just one more sign that we are heading to a one world government, one world economy and one world religion. The prophecies of the Bible are coming true before our eyes and you must make preparation by running to Christ Jesus for refuge. Believe on Christ today. Trust in what He did on the cross, His burial and His resurrection to be payment for your sins. Quickly, do it now before it's too late.