Monday, October 3, 2011

A Great Quote About Forgiveness!

I'm a big fan of quotes and I discovered a keeper by Jim Elliff, here it is...

"The blood of Jesus unfailingly cleanses the believer from his sin at all times. There could be no sin that the blood does not cover, confessed or not confessed. Though our sins were taken care of in the cross of Christ, and by His blood being spilled for us, it is applied immediately in time to every sin we commit the nano-second we commit it."

I don't know about you but I grow weary listening to some of the false teaching out there on forgiveness. One of the persistent lies is that Christ only forgives sin that we confess. Elliff's  quote here dispels that notion. I love the comment about the fact that Christ's blood is "applied immediately in time to every sin we commit the nano-second we commit it." It is pure arrogance to believe that you could confess every sin you ever commit. It is pure ignorance to believe that you are aware of every sin you commit. The standards of God's laws are such that we commit sin habitually and prolifically. God's law is in place simply to demonstrate to us that we are indeed world class sinners who need a world class Saviour.

It is a great quote from Jim Ellif but it is pure truth from God's Word. Do you need nano-second forgiveness? Trust Jesus.

1 John 1:7

King James Version (KJV)

 7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Victim Forgives The Shark Who Attacked Her!

Lucy Mangum
Little Lucy Mangum of Durham, North Carolina, was boogie boarding on the beach of Ocracoke Island when she was attacked by a shark. I've done some boogie boarding myself in that general area. A black tip shark sunk his teeth into her calf muscles severely damaging muscle, tendons and an artery. The first question she asked her dad after the attack was "am I going to die?". She went on to ask her dad to say a prayer with her on the beach before the helicopter flew her to the hospital. She later told her dad that she "forgave" the shark because "He really didn't mean to do it". I read a story like that and I'm thankful that she survived and by all accounts will have no permanent damage. I'm also touched by the fact that she has a faith that reached out to God during this crisis.
This is another interesting story where the subject of "forgiveness" has captured our interest. I also see some metaphors and some examples of sin and sinners. I guess I would have to say that I disagree with Lucy's assessment of the shark, I think he did mean to do it. It was his nature to find something to eat and that is exactly what the shark thought he had found. He's a shark, "attacking" is what he does! That shark is a metaphorical example of everyone of us!  We're sinners, it's what we do. The reformers referred to our nature in terms like "totally depraved" and "desperately wicked". Whether you are comfortable with that assessment is not important to me because that is exactly what the Holy Bible says about us. The third chapter of Romans says that no one is good, no one seeks after God and all have sinned. It's what we do - we're sinners. The other metaphor that I see in this story is little Lucy herself. She metaphorically could represent God. You see Lucy extended unmerited and undeserved forgiveness to that cold blooded shark and that is exactly what God did for us.
This is what it says in Romans 5...
10For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
When we were vile enemies of God He made the move toward us and extended His mercy and forgiveness! Undeserved and unmerited...He forgave us and made us his friends!
I'm so glad that Lucy's boogie boarding didn't end in the loss of her life and I'm so glad that I have a Saviour who loves cold blooded sinners like me! Trust Jesus!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Huh? August 7th Was International Forgiveness Day?

You learn something new everyday and today I learned that August 7, 2011 was International Forgiveness Day and I totally missed the party. In fact, it turns out that this past Forgiveness Day was the 15th annual event of its kind. Where have I been? I found an article on a site called starpulse that talked about celebrities that we should forgive. Arnold Swarzenegger was on that list (good for them, it's been a tough year for Arnold). I even did some research on the official site of the International Forgiveness Alliance. Unfortunately, I never found any info on the most important forgiveness that anyone can receive...the forgiveness of Almighty God!
The apostle Paul mentions another one of those wonderful theological Bible words that has so much good info about forgiveness. Here it is...
ἀποκαταλλάσσω apokatallassō = "reconciled"
Colossians 1
21And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled
The word reconciled means to bring back to a state of harmony. You see it is sin, in this verse "wicked works", that made us an enemy of God and alienated us from a relationship with our Heavenly Father. How do we overcome our alienated state? How do we become friends with God and not remain enemies? The answer is given in the preceding verse...
20And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
It is through the blood that Jesus shed on that cross 2000 years ago! We must believe that the blood that Jesus shed is sufficient payment for our sins and we must believe that the work of Christ is "enough" to make us friends with God and no longer enemies. Have you done that? I implore you to trust Jesus today as your Saviour!
In need of forgiveness?